Slave Girl Comics #1 :
Slave Girl
Published by cryptocomicscouch    ·  Full Credits
For Preteens · 35 pages · Report
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Published in 1949, this is the first in the series by Avon. This book contains tales of adventure in the ancient past featuring Malu, a princess taken captive as a slave girl, and her defender, the warrior Garth. Geoffry Garth and Sandy Worth encounter a mystic ring that gives them visions of past lives as an enslaved princess and a warrior; Malu and Garth are trapped in a hidden city; Malu is abducted by bandits. Stories include: Malu, the Slave Girl; The Banquet of Thuz; The Curse of Ahmen Ra; Malu, the Slave Girl and the Bandits of Tal Azmut; The Slave Market of Manoch.
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Cover Art: Howard Larsen    Pencils: Howard Larsen   

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