Strange Twisted Tales #2 :
Strange Twisted Tales
by creepsicomic    ·  Full Credits
For Mature Readers · 23 pages
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Three thieves found the perfect place to rob, only to become caught inside a deadly maze laid down by a professor in his Death Study. A man looking for the next model to complete his life does not understand his android is searching for the same thing in Another Model. Strange Twisted Tales is s speculative horror fiction carrying the illustrated comic style in black, white and greys as homage to the horror comics of the late 1960s and early 1970s (or, if you wish, a tip of the hat to manga influence as well). Each issue carries stories about a world of corrupt souls and supernatural elements. Our tales focus upon the eerie creatures that lurk in the shadows, those unsettling people who walk the streets, and horrific situations that threaten the innocents.
Full Credits
Created By: Gordon Brewer    Cover Art: Time Garvanliev    Inks: Vin Dulay    Inks: Joaquín Nuvé   

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