Roundhouse Hooligans #2 Part.1 :
Roundhouse Hooligans Issue.2 (Part.1)
For Mature Readers · 25 pages ·
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Roundhouse Hooligans is an action/drama following a group of orphaned, misfit teens who have been cast out and forgotten by society. Together they are trying to find purpose in a world they feel so disconnected from. The story picks up when the city and one of their own comes under threat from a long forgotten foe. Together the Hooligans must stand up and become the unlikely heroes. This is a story for the underdogs, the battlers and downtrodden. At it's core, it's about family (albeit and quite often, a delinquent family!) who encourages and accepts every member for who they are, scars and all! Throughout their journey the Hooligans will be forced to overcome their fears and fight for what they really believe in. Story by L.A Keim alongside Brian Kerr as Co-Writer, with a talented art team including Pencils/Inks by Riccardo Faccini (Fractured Shards, FEVER), Colours by Kirsty Swan (Green Hornet, Blood Queen), and lettering by Darren Close (Killeroo, Struggle).

  • 2 years
    I love this series and these creators are amazing! Great at what they do. Just when you think everything will start to calm down, they hit you with another tragedy. Bravo for keeping us on our toes.
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