CryptoComics Copyright Policy

This policy provides an overview of intellectual property (IP) rights and some common IP concerns that might arise when selling on CryptoComics Marketplace. When you sell on CryptoComics:

You must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and CryptoComics policies applicable to your content and content listings.

You may not violate the IP rights of brands or other rights owners.

Violating this policy may result in loss of selling privileges or other legal consequences.

Important: This policy is not legal advice. You should consult a lawyer if you have a specific question about your IP rights or the IP rights of others.


Copyrights are legal protections for original works of authorship.

Trademarks are legal protections for a word, symbol, design, or combination of the same that a company uses to identify goods and services.

When we use the term “content”, we are referring to all content ( such as but not limited to comics, graphic novels, novels, photos, digital art, images, trademarks, audio, video, non fungible tokens, listing descriptions) that is sold by original creators and resold by members to other members in the Marketplace. 

A “seller” refers to anyone that sells their own original content, or resells content purchased from others.

Content Creators

If you are selling original content on CryptoComics, you are responsible for ensuring you have all rights and permissions to upload and sell that content. CryptoComics is not responsible for claims, losses, or other issues that arise from failure to follow copyright laws or policies.

Any content claimed to be in violation of copyright laws will be frozen and unable to be borrowed, minted, or sold in the Marketplace until the copyright issue has been resolved.

CryptoComics’ IP enforcement

Responding to an IP infringement notice. If you receive a notice or warning for infringement and you believe the rights owner or CryptoComics made an error, you may appeal or dispute the claim by contacting us through the website.

Non Fungible Tokens and Copyrights

Due to the nature of blockchain publishing, a published non fungible token (NFT) cannot be removed once minted (“published”). However, if any content Published on CryptoComics is found to be in violation of copyright or trademark laws, that content will be no longer visible to owners of that content. If necessary, that content will also be made ineligible for resales. The original proof will also be made unavailable for sales or future minting.

Copyright Ownership

By selling a non fungible token or allowing the borrowing of content in the Marketplace, the owner of a copyright retains all rights and permissions to that copyrighted content. Buyers are given a non exclusive license to view, share, and resell the content, but all rights to reproduce and create derivative works of characters, storylines, images, artwork, video, animation, and audio remains solely with the original copyright owner of the content.