Wow normally I try and come up with interesting and unique reviews for every comic book and issue I read,but since mscottrussell covered it for this one, I instead thought I'd share something I learned about the author of this series, spectacularstache himself,from the cryptocouch livestream on how to layout a comic from 1/27/2021! In case you can't tell, Spectacularstache does these comics all by hand. No special equipment,just pens and pencils (+ sketchbook paper/layout sheets and a computer to upload it all to of course!) It takes him,on average, 2-3 months per issue. He is 100% self taught and proof that anyone can make an awesome comic,no matter the skill level or types of tools available,if they're dedicated and passionate enough. :)
These guys have the perfect look and feel of the old underground comix from back in the day. I feel so nostalgic reading these! They have the perfect mesh of sarcasm and parodies but told through a truly unique l unique lens. I can't get enough! THIS IS MAD MAGAZINE MEETS 2000AD! Love these comics. Keep them coming!