Temerity #1 :
Sayonara - Backer Edition
by JemmaMYoung    ·  Full Credits
For Young Adults · 31 pages ·
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Guardians of the Galaxy meets Firefly in this new scifi comic by Harley Quinn artist Chad Hardin and indie creator Jemma M. Young.Temerity is about Taeru, who is a very serious genetically enhanced super-soldier. Naia is a less serious sugar-addicted mercenary. Together they’re the best work-for-hire duo in the galaxy. In an intergalactic world of mechas, brain hacking, and terrible pun t-shirts, Taeru and Naia spend their days performing daring missions for their clients and fighting their own personal demons. This is the first issue containing 22 full color comic pages plus one bonus comic by Jemma!
Full Credits
Pencils: Hardin_Art    Script: JemmaMYoung   

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  • I really like the Art and Concepts but i want to know more About the characters and know more About the Different Aliens and Robots in the universe but really enjoy it Good Work :)
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