Giant-Size Metalcult Comix #1 :
An Omnibus Of The World's Greatest Heavy Metal Comic Book
For Mature Readers · 116 pages ·
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This 116 monster graphic novel collects the first six consecutive issues of the Metalcult Comix series. Included here are all the early adventures of the hard rocking adventurers Metalcult aka Cult of Dionysis! Collects Metalcult Comix #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and Metalcult Comix Special #1 all in one volume! Featuring the music of Cult of Dionysis, your very own live concert, in fact! Enjoy a very raw, very rare, and very live recording of the band performing GLORIOUS DESTRUCTION and DOTME at Independence, VA on April 4th, 2011. Cult of Dionysis music, physical copies of Metalcult Comix, and other killer stuff available at:

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