Jonly Nonly #3 :
by y2cl    ·  Full Credits
For Mature Readers · 30 pages
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It’s time y’all! Time for the third issue of the epic Jonly Nonly series! This one takes you on high flying adventures to the end of the world, back problems, meeting a NEW character, and divine intervention from a guy named Plank Face! So I guess two new characters? Some very time period specific jokes in this one so read it like it’s 2011 – 2013 please, that would really help these jokes be funny. Jonly Nonly #3: Mecha is the third in the series, and the second in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?
Full Credits
Created By: Kaylie Horsley    Created By: J Horsley III    Script: J Horsley III    Editor: Joshua Queen    Art by: J Horsley III    Additional art by: Greg Woronchak   

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