Daredevil Comics #1 :
Daredevil Battles Hitler
Published by cryptocomicscouch    ·  Full Credits
For Children · 67 pages
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This Golden Age comic was published in 1941. It includes the stories of Daredevil Battles Hitler (Chapter 1) Featuring: Daredevil & Silver Streak, The Claw Double Crosses Hitler! (Chapter 2) Featuring: Daredevil, 1 page cartoon Featuring: Hash, Fighting Hitler and His Jungle Hordes (Chapter 3) Featuring: Daredevil & Lance Hale, Smash Goebbels' Spy Net (Chapter 4) Featuring: Daredevil With Dickie Dean, Boy Inventor, 1 page cartoon featuring Jus' Gags, Wreck Goering's Sky-Fighters (Chapter 5) Featuring: Daredevil and Cloud Curtis, Von Roeder, Nazi Sea Raider (Chapter 6) Featuring: Daredevil and Pirate Prince, The Man of Hate Adolf Hitler - Dictator of Germany! Featuring: Hitler.
Full Credits
Script: Charles Biro    Pencils: Charles Biro    Inks: Bob Wood    Pencils: Jack Cole    Script: Victor Pazmiño   

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