Out of This World Adventures #1 :
Out of This World Adventures
Published by cryptocomicscouch    ·  Full Credits
For Children · 132 pages
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This book is a combination of pulp sci-fi prose stories with 32 pages of comics, published by Avon in 1950. It contains the stories The Planet-Smashers, Letter From the Stars, Omega and the Wolf-Girl, The Puzzle of Priipiirii, Lunar Station, The Man-Eating Lizards, Pallas Rebellion, Crom the Barbarian, The Shipwrecked Bogey Man, Terror of the Mist-Maidens, The Discord Makers, and Forbidden Fruit.
Full Credits
Script: Ray Cummings    Script: A. E. Van Vogt    Script: Lester del Rey    Script: William Tenn    Pencils: William F. McWilliam    Script: John Michel    Pencils: Joe Kubert    Script: Henry Kuttner [as Edward Bellin]    Script: M. Malcolm White    Pencils: Gene Fawcette    Script: Gardner Fox    Pencils: John Giunta    Script: Lloyd Williams    Script: A. Bertram Chandler    Script: Mack Reynolds    Script: Kris Neville   

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