An enjoyable comic featuring anthropomorphic animals. This includes the first appearance of Pogo Possum, a popular daily comic strip that ran from 1948 to 1975, created by Walt Kelly. Stories in this comic include: Ambition, Albert Takes the Cake featuring Pogo Possum, Katonka Flies North, Piggy Pranks, Right of Way, Muzzy and Ginger, The Monarch of Panther Gorge, Milk for the Baby, and A Matter of Intelligence.
Full Credits
Worth Carnahan
Walt Kelly
Walt Kelly
Walt Kelly
Gaylord Du Bois
George Kerr
George Avison
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Worth Carnahan
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Walt Kelly
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Walt Kelly
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Walt Kelly
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Gaylord Du Bois
Pencils ·
George Kerr
Pencils ·
George Avison
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