KATONGO-robe #4 :
"KATONGO-robe, episode 4"
by ZenaraComics  
For Young Adults · 33 pages
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They say the day he was born is cursed, NO! it is cursed. Born on the day of the Nkeng* the first view of life was the unfathomable act of his parents. Growing up Katongo vowed to find out why his birth was a ceremony of such caliber, why on the day of his birth everything is on pause. In this world were people don’t care about the answers to their question, in this world where people let others determined their worth, he has vowed to have these answers and with-it bring greatness and respect to his continent.
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Really good once you get into it!

Again, despite a few translation errors from it's native language (spanish), this series is shaping up to be fantastic and a must read whether you're super into manga, or just starting out on your journey into the style and medium. It keeps you on the edge of your seat and wondering who's going to awaken next...and how exactly are they going to use their yo-kai given powers ... and what are their powers going to be?

enjoyed the read :-)

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