Rain #1 :
Rain: 1
Published by TidalWave  
For Young Adults · 23 pages
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In this prequel spin-off to "Victoria's Secret Service," the super sexy thief Rain (AKA Scarlet) takes a high-paying job to steal a necklace from a museum. While breaking into the museum, Rain discovers another robbery is taking place by two supernatural beings known as the Shadow Twins who are trying to steal a skeletal corpse for their friend Henry (a werewolf-vampire hybrid known as a Vrykolakas). The two stories collide when Henry wants to get revenge against Rain for the stolen necklace and damaged skeleton. What is the importance of the skeleton? What is the story with the Shadow Twins and Henry? Will Rain be able to get a big pay day? Filled with thrilling action, romance, and surprising plot twists, this epic 4 issue mini-series is a can't miss comic book series.

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