Bartholomew of the Scissors #GN :
Bartholomew of the Scissors: GN
Published by TidalWave  
For Young Adults · 99 pages
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Bartholomew of the Scissors is the critically acclaimed horror series featuring a unique style of comic book art from wood burning! Spectral Phantasms have invaded our world. These ghostly creatures from another dimension occupy the human brain and endow their host with spectacular paranormal abilities. Private investigator Gordon Watt, long aware of the spectral phantasms, investigates a bizarre series of scissor murders. With the help of a powerful psychic named Jessica, Gordon soon discovers a connection between the phantasms and the mystery of a vengeful, undead boy named Bartholomew. But humanity faces a greater threat: the White Blob emerges from the abyss to colonize pockets of human society. Gordon and Jessica must enlist the help of Bartholomew and the hideous power of his Scissor Swarm or face assimilation by the growing colony of the White Blob. This graphic novel features new images!

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