Spy Doorman #2 :
Spy Doorman For President
by davidb    ·  Full Credits
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Unlike myself, my opponent wants an America where drug dealers can undermine our big box retail stores. My supporters know that I believe in our right to exploit cheap overseas labor, our integrity and our American workforce. When I'm elected, I'll make sure unstable nuclear regimes and organized crime cannot sabotage our perseverance. My opponent is working with Taliban militants, military-industrial warmongers and corporate executives. My opponent is taking donations from racists, Mexicans and Iranian extremists. I will not stand for an America where pharmaceutical companies and Hollywood liberals can make a mockery of our innocent children.
Full Credits
Special Effects: MScottRussell    Armament Supplier: Ted Nugent    Special-er Effects: AndrewF    Script: Jace Toal   

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