Happy Arbor Day

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 years ago

I’ve never been to clear on what Arbor Day really is. I think it's about saving the trees. Just remember that by getting your comics digitally, you can make a difference in the rainforest. I guess we have been helping out by saving trees all along. Go Us!! I will personally plant 2 trees for every member of my family. I encourage you all to do the same.

Does anyone know how many trees are cut down to make comics every day? I did a Google search and I still couldn't find a definitive answer. I did, however, find an old Chinese proverb; The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is today.

Help save our planet and go digital. If you want great comics at a great price, see our marketplace. We have the best Indy comics around. The best part is that there were no trees harmed in the making of a digital comic.

We have tons of blogs on how to create comics in a digital world. Great tutorials on various programs, and comparisons on digital products. Help us save the planet and the comic industry at the same time.