Happy Mother’s Day

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 years ago

Don’t take your Mother for granted. We have all seen the problems that arise from not having one in comics. Appreciate your mother, even if her name isn’t “Martha.” Yep, I’m still on that. Thanks Batman V Superman.

Just in case you didn't get her anything, create a comic and dedicate it to your mother. Upload it here and share her story with the world. It doesn't matter if it is a superhero comic or her story. Everyone has a story to tell, and I for one, would love to read it. I for one am creating an artbook in her name. She has always inspired me to be a creative thinker. She herself is an artist. I can't wait to see her work here too.

Anyway, have a great Mother's Day and remember to give your mom a hug from us. Yep, I went there.