Creator Spotlight Amy Frazier

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 4 years ago

We sat down with children's book author and art book creator, Amy Frazier. Check out the live-streamed video interview with Amy.

CryptoComics and Amy Frazier, Artist / Children's Book Author 

CC:  Would you consider yourself a writer, or artist?

AF:  Honestly, neither. But if I had to categorize myself it’d be artist first, author second.

CC:  Can you tell us a little about yourself?

I’m just a small town girl, living in a lonely world… 

I’m a 37 year old Idahoan who grew up on the beaches of Lake Erie and moved out west over 12 years ago. I truly do not consider myself an artist or author. 

I’m a mom/wife who’s day job is teaching Special Ed kids 3-5 grade. I’ve always liked art and was inclined to be crafty. In 2000, I wrote “Snell the Snail” for my high school creative writing class. 

In 2014 my family decided to be awesome and hit the road, living in an RV for 3 years. During this time, my mother-in-law gave me a watercolor set to play around with. 

Playing with that I found a talent for painting, I guess. While living on the road, I wrote and illustrated “Frantic Froggy” from the tiny table in my RV. My husband really encouraged me to continue painting and to expand my horizons to acrylics and big canvases when we moved into our house in 2017. I’ve only been playing with acrylic paints since the end of 2017. I personally don’t feel like I have any special talent. I feel like I just let the universe flow through me and what comes out on my canvas is what comes out.

CryptoComics Children's Books

CC:  Do you have any formal training or are you self-taught?

Besides some high school art and English classes, I’m self taught. Although, even calling myself “taught” seems wrong. I just picked up a brush and art came out. Don’t ask me how….

CC:  Describe your style.

Bright, colorful nature and space themed paintings with simplistic characters. My children’s books are geared towards early elementary/pre-school aged children . 

CryptoComics Digital Art

CC:  What would you say most motivates you to do what you do?

Empty walls and a stack of blank canvases

CC:  Are you inspired by any particular works or creators?

The universe - mother nature - whatever you wanna call it. Cliche-ly, Bob Ross. He’s taught me it’s ok to take risks and embrace happy little accidents. 

CC:  Do you work with others? 

Pretty much just my husband, Joe Frazier. 

CC:  What creation are you most proud of?

That’s like asking which kid is your favorite - it depends on the day.  

CC:  Can you tell me about your current project?

I’ve painted enough “Grey and BOB” paintings that their base story has taken shape. Through literally taking over an entire wall, I was able to piece together their storyboard. 

Or would it be storywall… Now to actually figure out the text for the story.

CryptoComics Digital Art Collectibles

CC:  Do you have any thoughts about the comic book industry?

Being a painter, I don’t deal with the comic book industry at all for my stuff. However, that being said, I feel like Marvel and DC have monopolized the industry and have made it hard for the “small” writers to breakthrough unless they want to just write/illustrate an established story vs their own creative works. 

CC:  Do you have any advice for anyone that is just joining the industry for the first time, or looking to join the industry?

I don’t consider myself even to be part of the industry. I think CryptoComics is an absolutely amazeballs platform because ANYONE - even a mom from Idaho, can create something and share it. 

CC:  Anything you would like to add?

Being that I’m not a comic creator, but more utilize the system for my art and kids books, I felt odd even being asked to be interviewed or spotlighted or whatever you wanna call it. 

CryptoComics is not just for comic books. Graphic novels, manga, children's books, and digital art can all be published and turned into collectible digital assets (digital collectibles) in the Marketplace.

Thanks to Amy for showcasing how art and children's books fit in our Marketplace. Amy also narrated her children's books, and the audio feature allows the books to play music or narration while being viewed by users. Make sure you watch the video interview to see this in action.

See more of Amy's art on her Facebook Page GypsyLeif Art, or in her Etsy Shop.