New schedule for CryptoComics Content

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 years ago


Welcome, my CryptoComic Compatriots! We here at CryptoComics Marketplace are still shaking things up as often as possible, not just in the industry but now with our creative content that we bring to you every week.

As most of you know, we are still finding our footing on social media. Even though we work with a ton of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts, there is never a clear concise road to follow. There is so much that depends upon stuff like our audience, our personal schedules, schedules of creators, and the development of the platform, marketing, and business that must all be attended to.

Our marketing team first has to gauge content that we put out to find out what the people like. Then we have to look at when and where the audience gathers. Then we have to look at our long term goals and plans to find out how best to address any disconnect.

Once we figure out the ins-and-outs of our audience, we have to look at the feasibility of everything in order to get it all right. The last thing we want to do is make a promise and not be able to deliver.

It’s a long painstaking process to make the right commitment that will benefit the audience as well as allow us to still do our jobs (bringing you the best comics out there, as well as the best content that will make you laugh, thinks, maybe even cry).

So, as I said, we are shaking things up a bit. Hold onto your butts, and have a good time.

CryptoComics Couch Live Videos

These are our way of making Mondays tolerable for both you and us. Frey and I love to have a good time. We take an in-depth look at the news of comics, upcoming events, reading recommendations, and system updates. Let’s not forget, my favorite part; opinion discussions (ie. Star Wars VS Star Trek, or How and why to implement comics in schools?)

All this without taking ourselves too seriously.

Frey never tells me who is going to be ”Crashing on our Couch” so it is always crazy. There are times, I have absolutely no idea who this person is, so at times, I might be caught off guard, assuming we bring in anyone at all. You will just have to wait and see.

Below is a great example of some of the shenanigans that we get up too.


As you can see, nothing is off limits and nothing is sacred. It is just a blast all around!

Creator Spotlights

This is Jared’s show where he takes the reigns as our trusted CEO and gets down and dirty with the creators, spotlighting the best and brightest of the Indy world.

This coming week Jared will be spotlighting David Lillie; creator of DreamKeepers and representing Vivid Publishing on Wednesday the 5th at 6 PM MST. Following this spotlight, he will be taking a LONG overdue vacation with his family.

He will return on the following week and take his new timeslot on Fridays at 6 to 7 PM MST.

Due to the hectic nature of the creator’s schedules, this will try to have this come out on Fridays at 6 PM MST. It might get pushed forward or back a little bit so pay close attention to the CryptoComics Couch to find out the exact time.

You have to check out what makes the Creator Spotlights so special.

Creating Comics with M. Scott Russell

This is my personal baby. I love it but it will be changing. (My baby is growing up) This will be moved to Wednesday at 6 PM MST. Yep, I’m taking Jared’s timeslot. Ha Ha Ha!!!

I am all alone now. It will just be me either reviewing comics or teaching how to make one from the ground up. We will start from pre-conception all the way to publishing and then marketing/selling.

As the name suggests we will be reviewing comics in the system in order to learn from each other. I have already made the pledge as to how I will handle the reviews. You can read my pledge here.

We will talk about the storytelling troupes, plots, and plot devices that make each comic unique. Everyone has a story to tell and I want to dive headfirst into our creator’s stories. I want to know everything about it.

Next will break down the visual aspect of the comic. There are so many things that go into making a comic look good, so we will find out what exactly makes each comic unique. We will touch on everything from pencils, inking, coloring, lettering, and panel layout.

We, as a CryptoComics Community will also take some time to build our own comic together.

When I am creating a comic series, this will be an ongoing series so don’t miss an episode. If you do miss it, it will always be available on your favorite streaming platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, or Twitch.

I will be starting out on the 12th, once again at PM, where I begin by brainstorming a comic so join in to see if you can get any of your random ideas placed in the comic to help me out.

We will be taking this comic one step at a time, and I will be trying to bring in some of the best minds from the CryptoComics Marketplace to lend a hand from time to time.

Our Blog Post

Let's never forget the written word. Our new blog post will come out every Tuesday and Thursday at noon. Written by either our Marketing Guru Lindsey or my yours truly.

We are not the only ones that should be writing blog posts. We would love to hear what you have to say so please fill out the guest blogger form and we will reach out to you.

No real limit on what you have to write about. I’m not going to force any qualifications (you don’t have to be a professional artist to talk about challenges you are facing breaking into the comic world).

Yes, I am a teacher by trade, but I am not going to require a certain word count. Hit us up, we want to hear from you.