AI Art In All it's Glory and Shame: They're Stealing Our Jobs

by Matthew Russell - Posted 1 year ago

Welcome my CryptoComics Compatriots.  By the way, simply reading the title of this post reminded me of the South Park redneck Darrell Weathers. I couldn't stop laughing when I read it back with his voice in my head. Ok, now onto more serious notes.

Are you tired of staring at a blank canvas, waiting for inspiration to strike? Are you tired of trying to come up with new and innovative ways to create art, only to find yourself drawing the same old cat for the umpteenth time? 

Well, fear not, my artistic friends! The answer to your creative block may be closer than you think: AI art generators! Yes, you heard that right - robots are here to help you create your next masterpiece. And before you roll your eyes and say "I don't need a robot to tell me how to create art," hear us out! 

In this blog post, we'll explore the pros of AI art generators and how they're changing the art world for the better (or at least for the funnier). So put on your thinking cap, grab your robot arm, and let's dive into the wonderful world of AI art!

Before we jump right in, I want to express my personal views on this issue. I personally use an AI Art generator in order to simply come up with various layouts, and thumbnails. I don’t use this for finished work with the exception of a few things such as badges that are based on AI Art or this particular featured image. 

That being said, there is a badge code somewhere in this post. You will have to read on to find it. 


AI art generators are revolutionizing the world of art, offering a range of benefits to artists and art enthusiasts alike. In this blog post, we will explore the pros of using AI art generators and the ways in which they are transforming the world of art.

  • Provides new opportunities for artistic expression:

AI art generators offer artists new and exciting ways to express their creativity. By leveraging AI algorithms, artists can generate new ideas, explore different styles and techniques, and create art that would be difficult or impossible to produce by hand.

  • Increases efficiency and productivity:

AI art generators can help artists save time and increase their productivity. By automating certain aspects of the creative process, artists can focus more on the conceptualization and execution of their artwork. This can help them produce more artwork in less time and increase their overall output.

  • Offers greater accessibility:

AI art generators make art more accessible to a wider range of people. By removing some of the technical barriers to creating art, such as the need for specialized software or technical skills, AI art generators enable more people to participate in the creative process.

  • Facilitates collaboration:

AI art generators can be used to facilitate collaboration between artists, allowing them to work together in real-time to create art. This can help foster a sense of community and promote the sharing of ideas and techniques.

  • Encourages experimentation:

AI art generators can help artists experiment with new styles and techniques without the fear of making mistakes. Because the technology is designed to learn from existing data, artists can try new things without worrying about the outcome.

In conclusion, AI art generators offer a range of benefits to artists and art enthusiasts, from providing new opportunities for artistic expression to increasing efficiency and productivity. By leveraging the power of AI technology, artists can explore new creative avenues, experiment with different styles and techniques, and create art that is more accessible and collaborative than ever before.

Now, let's flip this on its head and take a look at all the cons…there are many.


While AI art generators offer a range of benefits, there are also some significant drawbacks to consider. In this blog post, we will explore the cons of using AI art generators and the potential challenges they pose to the art world.

  • Lack of originality:

One of the primary concerns about AI-generated art is the lack of originality. Since AI algorithms are designed to learn from existing data and patterns, there may be questions about whether AI art can truly be considered original or whether it is simply a derivative of existing artworks or styles.

  • Reduces the role of the artist:

AI art generators may also reduce the role of the artist in the creative process. While AI tools can help artists generate new ideas or techniques, they may also limit the artist's ability to make creative decisions or have full control over the final outcome of the artwork.

  • Reinforces stereotypes and biases:

AI algorithms are only as good as the data they are trained on, and if that data is biased or contains stereotypes, the resulting artwork may also reinforce those biases. This could have negative implications for the representation of certain groups of people in the art world.

  • May be seen as a cheapening of art:

Using AI to create art may be seen as a cheapening of the art form, with some art enthusiasts believing that the unique qualities of hand-crafted, traditional art are irreplaceable.

  • May perpetuate inequality:

AI art generators are often expensive, which means that only artists and organizations with significant resources can afford to use them. This may perpetuate inequality in the art world, with only a select few artists having access to the latest AI technology.

  • Lack of emotional depth: 

Some art enthusiasts argue that AI-generated art lacks emotional depth, as it is created without the emotional investment and perspective of a human artist.

  • Ethical concerns: 

AI art generators can also raise ethical concerns around issues such as intellectual property, copyright, and ownership.

  • Creates a disconnect from the art world: 

The use of AI technology may create a disconnect from the art world for artists who prefer to create art by hand or feel that technology takes away from the value and meaning of art.

  • Limited scope for creativity: 

While AI art generators can be helpful for generating new ideas or exploring new styles, they may also limit the scope for creativity by relying on pre-existing data and patterns.

  • Reduces the value of original artwork: 

Some art enthusiasts believe that the use of AI art generators reduces the value of original artwork, as it may be perceived as less valuable if it can be easily replicated by a machine.

  • Raises questions about authenticity: 

There may be questions about the authenticity of AI-generated art and whether it can be considered true art or a simulation of art.

  • May limit cultural expression: 

AI art generators may not be able to fully capture the cultural nuances and unique expressions of different communities, which may limit the range of artistic expression in the art world.

  • Dependence on technology: 

Using AI technology to create art may lead to a dependence on technology and reduce the value of traditional artistic skills.

  • May perpetuate a "one-size-fits-all" approach: 

AI art generators may perpetuate a "one-size-fits-all" approach to art, where the same styles and techniques are replicated across different artworks, limiting the diversity and uniqueness of the art world.

These are just a few of the potential cons to consider when it comes to AI art generators. It is important for artists and art enthusiasts to weigh the pros and cons carefully and determine how they want to integrate AI technology into their creative process.

While AI art generators offer a range of benefits, they also present significant challenges to the art world. From the lack of originality to the potential for reinforcing stereotypes and biases, it is important to carefully consider the pros and cons of using AI technology in the creation of art. Ultimately, it is up to artists and art enthusiasts to determine how they want to integrate AI into the creative process and what impact it may have on the future of the art world.

BTW, the badge code “AIGenPost”


I really wanted to talk specifically to students currently in some type of Art Program; please don’t get discouraged. I have talked to a few future-artist, and many of them complain about AI Art Generators stealing their future jobs.

Hang in there. People will always want an authentic artist touching a canvas. They will want a personal connection, that's what truly makes it art. These jobs won’t simply go away.