Ergo Office and Art Studio Masterplan Part 1: Setting it all up

by Matthew Russell - Posted 9 months ago

Welcome, my CryptoComics Compatriots, to a journey of transformation and enlightenment – a journey where we'll marry the ancient wisdom of Feng Shui with the sleek simplicity of minimalism to craft the ultimate ergonomic office and art studio. 

I'm your snarky interior decorator, the maestro of minimalism, and the guru of good vibes. Really, I’m just Matt Russell and I’ve done a ton of research on this topic in order to set up my own studio.

Forget the mundane, the cluttered, and the uninspired, because we're about to dive headfirst into a world where form meets function, where clutter meets its demise, and where bad vibes go to die a swift and stylish death.

In a world that bombards us with more, more, more, we often forget that less can be so much more. Feng Shui, the art of arranging your environment to promote harmony and balance, and minimalism, the practice of living with less to focus on what truly matters, might seem like an odd couple, but together, they're a match made in design heaven. 

So, grab your sarcasm shields and your sense of style because we're about to revolutionize your workspace with an ergonomic twist, all while giving your chi a high-five. Let's declutter, design, and decode the secrets of creating a space that's not just easy on the eyes but a sanctuary for your productivity and creativity.

Normally someone would be converting a spare bedroom for an office/art studio, so after finding out that the average bedroom in America is 11 feet x 12 feet (132 square feet) so that is what I will be basing this series of articles on. 

For my own personal use, I am converting an unfinished basement that has previously been unused and is considerably larger than the average bedroom. Unfortunately this will be a work in progress so I will have to do much more than mentioned here, such as add walls, a window, flooring, and even insulation to the ceiling as I go.

Assessing Your Needs: Minimalism Meets Feng Shui Harmony

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of arranging your ergonomic office and art studio, let's start at the beginning – understanding your unique needs. This is the crucial first step in the minimalist-Feng Shui fusion dance. So, roll up your sleeves (metaphorically, of course, we're not here to break a sweat), and let's get assessing.

Identifying Your Specific Requirements for Both Spaces

Minimalism teaches us to be discerning, to cut the excess, and to embrace what truly adds value to our lives. Feng Shui reminds us that our environment profoundly influences our well-being and success. So, when crafting your ergonomic office and art studio, ask yourself:

  • What tasks do you perform most in your office and art studio?

    • Minimalism mantra: Trim the fat; focus on what matters.

    • Feng Shui insight: Arrange for flow and efficiency.

  • How much space do you have to work with?

    • Minimalism mantra: Small spaces, big potential.

    • Feng Shui insight: Clear the clutter; make way for chi.

  • What's your budget?

    • Minimalism mantra: Spend on quality, not quantity.

    • Feng Shui insight: Invest wisely; energy matters.

Consideration of Available Space and Budget Constraints

Minimalism and Feng Shui are all about working smarter, not harder. Don't feel pressured to buy the fanciest desk or the trendiest art supplies. Instead, focus on these guiding principles:

Simplicity is your ally: Minimalism urges you to pare down to the essentials. Feng Shui whispers that simplicity encourages the free flow of energy. So, opt for clean lines, uncluttered spaces, and multifunctional furniture.

Quality over quantity: Splurge on an ergonomic chair that supports your back and radiates good vibes (yes, chairs can do that). Invest in top-notch art materials that inspire your creativity. More about this later. Remember, less can indeed be more when it comes to quality. 

DIY and repurpose: Minimalists love repurposing, and Feng Shui thrives on resourcefulness. Look around; what can you adapt from your existing possessions? That old bookshelf might find new life as an art supply organizer.

Now that we've assessed your needs and embraced the minimalist-Feng Shui philosophy, it's time to get into the fun stuff – the actual setup of your ergonomic office and art studio. Stay tuned for Part III, where we dive headfirst into the world of ergonomic office design.

Embrace Your Unique Height and Body Measurements

In our quest to create the perfect ergonomic art studio, we can't forget that one size doesn't fit all. Just as Feng Shui emphasizes the importance of balance and harmony, your body's comfort and alignment are paramount in your workspace. Here's how to tailor your art studio to your unique measurements:

Measure Up: Start by measuring your height, as well as the distance from your elbow to the floor when your arms are at a relaxed 90-degree angle. This information will come in handy when selecting furniture and determining the optimal working surface height.

Easel Matters: For artists, your easel is your partner in creativity. Ensure it's adjustable to accommodate your height and working preferences. Ideally, your canvas or paper should be at eye level to reduce strain on your neck and back.

Seating Solutions: Don't settle for just any chair. Invest in an adjustable chair that supports your lower back and allows you to sit with your feet flat on the ground. Your seat should be at a height that aligns your elbows with the working surface.

I want you to think about your car and how much money you spend on that. Comfort is paramount. Now calculate the amount of time that you spend inside said car and compare that to the amount of time you will spend inside your working office. Can you now see why I say spend more on a chair in order to promote health and comfort above all things.

Custom Workstations: If your budget allows, consider customizing your art studio furniture to match your measurements precisely. This ensures your workspace is uniquely tailored to your body, promoting comfort and productivity.

By integrating your height and body measurements into your art studio design, you'll be following both the minimalist and Feng Shui principles. Minimalism encourages you to optimize your space efficiently, and Feng Shui promotes balance and well-being. So, let's continue our journey, keeping your unique measurements in mind, as we explore the art of creating your perfect ergonomic art studio.

To be Continued

As you know, this is only Part 1 of a series. If you are going to be spending so much time, love and care inside your office, lets get it done right. All we have truly done is figure out the basic requirements that you will need to consider. We still have to implement these in the best and most affordable way possible. Trust me, stick around. 

Until then, you might want to check out some other articles on drawing techniques, or head over to the Marketplace and check out some absolutely amazing comics. Just don’t forget to come back and we will set up the best art studio for you.