Ergo Office and Art Studio Masterplan Part 3: Placement of Perfection

by Matthew Russell - Posted 9 months ago

Welcome to the next installment of our journey toward ergonomic excellence, where we'll delve into the art of crafting your ergonomic office and nurturing your well-being within these carefully designed spaces.

In the previous chapters (Part 1: Setting it all up & Part 2: Let the Set Up Begin), we explored the fusion of minimalism and Feng Shui, optimizing your office and art studio for efficiency, harmony, and creativity. Now, we'll take a deep dive into two crucial aspects: crafting an ergonomic workspace that promotes efficiency and comfort, and fostering your ongoing well-being within these environments.

Your office is where work meets wellness, and this chapter is all about creating an ergonomic workspace that not only boosts your efficiency but also nurtures your overall well-being. From selecting the right desk and chair to arranging your workspace for optimal flow, we'll explore how the principles of minimalism and Feng Shui can revolutionize your daily work routine. 

Revolutionizing Your Ergonomic Office: Where Work Meets Wellness

Welcome to the grand finale of our journey towards creating the ultimate ergonomic workspace - your very own office where work meets wellness. In this chapter, we'll continue to blend the principles of minimalism and Feng Shui to craft an office that not only maximizes productivity but also promotes your overall well-being.

Choosing the Right Desk and Chair

Your office's foundation rests on your desk and chair, so let's start with these essential elements:

Adjustable Height Desks: Minimalism celebrates versatility. Opt for an adjustable height desk, allowing you to switch between sitting and standing positions effortlessly. Feng Shui principles encourage movement and flexibility for better energy flow.

Ergonomic Office Chairs: Select a chair that cradles your spine and supports proper posture. Minimalism encourages investing in quality, and Feng Shui advises placing your chair in the commanding position of the room for a sense of empowerment.

Monitor Placement and Ergonomics

Your computer setup plays a crucial role in your daily work routine:

Proper Screen Height and Distance: Elevate your monitor to eye level to reduce strain on your neck. Feng Shui encourages this as it aligns with the flow of energy in your workspace. Don’t forget to make sure they are 1 arm’s width away from you.

Monitor Arms and Stands: Minimalism advocates for clean, clutter-free surfaces. Use monitor arms or stands to free up desk space, maintaining the simplicity and functionality of your office.

Personally I want to save up to get a really good Monitor Arm that both matches the aesthetic of my office as well as hides the cables that run through it. 

Keyboard and Mouse Setup

Don't underestimate the importance of your keyboard and mouse arrangement:

Ergonomic Keyboard and Mouse Options: Minimalism reminds us to choose quality over quantity. Invest in ergonomic keyboards and mice that support wrist comfort during long work hours.

Keyboard Tray Installation: Consider installing a keyboard tray beneath your desk. This not only clears up desk space but also promotes a clean, uncluttered workspace, aligning with minimalist principles.

I’m going to tell you now, although I have found a ton of research indicating that the tray is helpful in keeping everything out of sight and uncluttered, I hate this. I keep mine right on the top center of the desk. I have an ergonomic MK850 Performance wireless Keyboard from Logitech and an MX Master 3 mouse sitting on top of a 40”x16’ felt mouse pad from Dawntree. Once again, no affiliate links.

Lighting and Workspace Organization

Task Lighting: Illuminate your workspace with task lighting to reduce eye strain. Feng Shui emphasizes the importance of balanced lighting to create a harmonious environment.

Cable Management Solutions: Minimalism detests tangled cables. Employ cable management solutions to keep your workspace organized and free of distractions, promoting both productivity and a clutter-free aesthetic.

Optimizing Layout for Windows, Natural Light, Power Outlets, and Doors

In the grand orchestration of your ergonomic office and art studio, every detail counts, especially when it comes to your layout. Let's orchestrate your space with special attention to these crucial elements:

  • Windows and Natural Light:

    • Feng Shui's Light Connection: Feng Shui emphasizes the significance of natural light. Position your desk or easel near a window to invite beneficial chi and enhance your overall mood. Ensure that the window's placement doesn't create glare on your screens or art surfaces.

    • Of course it would be best if your window faces North, this lets in the optimal light without the overbearing glare of the morning or evening sun. Indirect will always triumph over direct light.

  • Power Outlets:

    • Strategic Outlet Placement: Minimalism champions a clutter-free environment. Place your desk or art table near power outlets to avoid unsightly extension cords. Consider installing a surge protector or a power strip to keep your cables organized.

    • This, of course means that you can have a deciding vote over where your outlets are. If outlets are placed in an inconvenient location, remember to use a hidden extension cord. Just don’t overdo it and blow a fuse or cause a fire hazard.

  • Doors:

    • Commanding Position: In Feng Shui, the "commanding position" ensures you have a clear view of the door while seated at your desk. This provides a sense of security and control. However, avoid positioning your back directly to the door, as it can create unease.

    • As I can attest, my back is currently facing the door to the office. This is something that I already have planned to rectify once the office is complete. At that point, it will be towards my right side.

  • Energy Flow:

    • Clear Pathways: In both the office and art studio, ensure clear pathways from doors to your workspace. This promotes smooth energy flow, making it easier for creativity and productivity to flow into your sanctuary.

Your ergonomic office is more than just a place to work; it's your sanctuary for productivity and creativity. By merging minimalist efficiency with Feng Shui harmony, you've transformed your workspace into an environment that promotes well-being and success. 

Remember that your office, like your art studio, should adapt to your unique needs and preferences. With both spaces optimized, you're primed to thrive in your professional and creative pursuits. 

By harmonizing the layout of your ergonomic spaces with these elements, you're not only creating an efficient and aesthetically pleasing environment but also fostering the positive flow of energy – the heart of Feng Shui principles.

Minimalism, in turn, appreciates the clean and functional layout, allowing you to focus on what truly matters, whether it's work or art. Now, as we conclude our journey towards creating ergonomic excellence, your spaces are primed for productivity, creativity, and well-being. Enjoy the transformative power of these thoughtfully designed havens!

To Be Continued

Yep, there is still more to come as next week we will be looking into your well-being while using your new office/art studio. Until then, curl up in your favorite armchair (that I’m assuming is in your office) and check out some of these wonderful comics that just happen to be in the Marketplace.

Until we meet again, take care.