Honor Presidents' Day with a Comic Marathon

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 months ago

President’s Day - A day of rest, reflection, & most of all…reading comics!!!

As we take a moment to honor the great presidents who have shaped our nation, let's also take some time for ourselves to relax and recharge. What better way to do that than by curling up with a good comic book? And with the vast selection of comics available on CryptoComics Marketplace, you're sure to find something that piques your interest.

Why Read Comics on Presidents' Day?

There are many reasons why reading comics is a great way to spend Presidents' Day. First, it's a great way to escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Comics can transport you to different worlds, different time periods, and different realities. 

Second, comics can be a great source of information and education. There are comics about history, science, literature, and just about any other topic you can imagine. 

Third, comics are be a lot of fun! They can be funny, exciting, and heartwarming.

How to Read Comics on CryptoComics Marketplace

It's easy to read comics on CryptoComics Marketplace. Just create an account, browse the selection of comics, and purchase the ones you want to read. You can then read the comics online or download them to your device.

So what are you waiting for? Grab a stack of comics from CryptoComics Marketplace and curl up on the couch for a Presidents' Day marathon!

Additional Tips for a Relaxing Presidents' Day

  • Make yourself some comfortable snacks and drinks. Keep in mind that you won’t get Cheeto dust on the comics with us!

  • Put on your favorite pajamas or loungewear. I have a comfy pair of X-Men jammie pants and a TCT certified tank top.

  • Turn off your phone and other distractions (unless your reading on your phone, then this could prove problematic).

  • Find a quiet spot in your house where you won't be disturbed. You’ve all seen my office on the Studio shows. It has the most comfortable futon couch. Not very glamorous, but extremely comfortable.

  • Just relax and enjoy the comics! This is the most important step, enjoy. Relaxing can sometimes be hard, especially when reading something from T3 Comics

I hope you have a happy and relaxing Presidents' Day!