Pros and Cons of Using a Paperlike Screen Protector for Comic Artists on iPad

Welcome to the next installment of the "Sequential Artist Workshop" series! In our previous post, we provided you...

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Downloadable Blank Comic Page Template

Welcome, my CryptoComics Compatriots. Today we are starting on a new series that should hopefully never stop. I am...

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WTF is an NFT: NFTs & Comics Explained

    Welcome, my CryptoComics Compatriots! Today we must break down the true brilliance of the NFT. NFT...

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Learning to Draw Figures Daily Warmups

    WARNING:This tutorial contains nudity for the sake of art, nothing erotic. This is a tutorial on...

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The Great Artist Challenges

    Hallo Bürgerwehr. God, I love Google Translate. The last time I wrote anything, I was putting Greg...

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