The book that starts it all. A cacophony of bad jokes, some ok jokes, and one man’s battle with his brain to fight off sleep.
Learn about our main case, Jonly Nonly, Calvereena, and Jeffers! Meet some recurring background characters with Pot, Kettle, Blinky, and Awesome-Stance!
This is the first book that takes the web-comics from 2008 through 2012, re-writing and re-creating 90% of them into a more sequential story format. Is there a story? There's as much story in this issue as there is Swifts in Taylor. What does that mean? I have no idea, but she is popular right now so maybe mentioning her will make you want to buy this book. No, there is not a single Swift joke or comment in the book, just here in this description. Bask in the glory of Jeffers bad jokes, marvel at Jonly's social commentary, and sit in awe at Calvereen's chillness.
Features cameos from
Sergeant Blinky and his Brigade of Fantastic
The Reset Button!
Cover A - Regular Cover by J Horsley III
Cover B - Variant by Kaylie
Cover C - TH3 Comics Variant by Kodi
Cover D - Super Duper Limited It's not a Halloween Comics it's Just a Variant Cover Variant by J Horsley III
Cover E - Nude Variant by J Horsley III
Cover F - Blank Variant
Jonly Nonly #1 - Something, Something First Book is the second in the series, and the second in Chapter One – Every thing needs an intro, so why not this?
Full Credits
Joshua Queen
SpoilerVerse Comics
Created By:
Kaylie Horsley
Created By:
J Horsley III
J Horsley III
J Horsley III
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Editor ·
Joshua Queen
Publisher ·
SpoilerVerse Comics
Created By ·
Kaylie Horsley
Created By ·
J Horsley III
Script ·
J Horsley III
Art ·
J Horsley III