Morningstar #5 :
Morningstar issue five
by gerimi  
For Adults Only · 26 pages ·
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…Lucifer's daemons come home to roost!
Issue 5 feels like it belongs on television!

I could easily see this series on AMC, right after "The Walking Dead", as it keeps getting better with every issue! Bravo, I'm a huge fan! :)

MorningStar Issue 5

I've been a fan of Gerimi's art and writing style since the first time I'd picked up Morningstar issue 1. Without going into any spoilers, I simply love how compelling this series is at pulling you into a familiar story, yet leaving you wondering "whats next" the entire time. A true "Jack of all trades" Geremi Burleigh has single-handedly created a series that you'd be hard-pressed to compare on a quality level from something that could have been created by an entire team.

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