Old Man of The Mountain #1 :
Old Man of the Mountain
by T3Comics  
For Mature Readers · 36 pages ·
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Old Man of The Mountain is a story of the apocalypse, living in the time that Lucifer begins to rein on earth. Terror and control begin to be set in place.. People are becoming vessels for spirits of the damned..... and..... Lucifer's Army has begun to grow.. Ezekiel is the first of his bloodline to be given special abilities... Powers.. and a secret that could change the course of the war... His son... Orion... Come follow along with each issue as we continue to unveil the life of Ezekiel and his God given duty to protect his son Orion at any cost! For HE is the future of this war!! Enjoy the first introductory issue of Old Man of The Mountain #1.. A 36 page comic book written and created by Tom Rapka. Drawn by Artist - Ariez Hernandez

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