Heirs of Isildur #1 :
HEIRS OF ISILDUR - The Crossroads Conundrum
For Preteens · 39 pages ·
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What if a seemly innocent curiosity turned your world upside down? What if you could never go back tothe way things were? What if you realized you never really wanted to? When a respected watchmaker in the puritanical steampunk village of ‘Shadow’s Haven’ stumbles upon a hidden mystical portal, he has to reconcile the regimented existence he's worked his whole life to perfect versus the outrageous one he's unintentionally created for many others and himself. Will he understand what it all means before the timeline completely unravels?

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    1 year
    This book really is just fantastic. Don't miss the CrytpoComics Couch show from yesterday with the creators InsymmetryCreations. Great show.
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