Eye of the Gods #1 :
Eye of the Gods
by gerimi  
For Adults Only · 145 pages ·
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EYE OF THE GODS is a psychological thriller about a man cursed with haunting visions he can not control. It combines the high-tension paranoia of ENEMY OF THE STATE with the foreboding chill of THE DEAD ZONE.

 Sean Black undergoes surgery, cloning his eyes to restoring his failing vision. After the operation, he "dreams" of a murder, only to discover that it really happened…

…But the death isn't being reported as a crime. When his curiosity gets the best of him, Sean uncovers a conspiracy and sets off a chain of events that unravel his life.
Trippy cool!

For a comic that's from 2009 or so, the majority of it holds up surprisingly well! I loved it. I seriously have yet to find a comic here on cryptocomics that hasn't been worthy of buying!

Love LoVe LOVE this book!!!

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