Violet Rose #3 :
Violet Rose #3
Published by TidalWave  
For Children · 23 pages ·
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Violet Rose is at it again in the case of the "Substitue Substitutes." Something fishy is going on at Serling Elementary School. Two teachers are out sick and there's something rather odd about their replacements. With a few hints from her beloved grandfather and helpful friends, Violet works hard to get to the bottom of another mystery. By the way, the "substitutes" have it out for her, which doesn't make her job any easier!
Violet Rose and the case of the missing teachers...

Another Hit! I don't really like the change in art style, but the plot is getting good. I wish this kind of book was around when I was a kid. It's the kind of "Nancy Drew"-esque mystery that really draws you in. I highly recommend it to kids of all ages!

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