FAQ : View


How do I purchase a comic in the dApp? 
Once you've set up your Wallet and have the appropriate funds, you can make a purchase by selecting the comic or art book.  From the CryptoComics Marketplace, click Purchase on dApp, which will redirect you to complete the purchase in the dApp.  Or, you can search the dApp directly by clicking on Listings to view available items.

Once you've found on the dApp the item you'd like to purchase, click Buy New. This will take you to the purchase page for that item. On the purchase page, you can see the price (with a USD approximate equivalent), the wallet ID the book will go to after purchase (i.e. the wallet you have connected), and the amount of money in your wallet. 

By clicking Buy New again on the Purchase page, you will purchase (or "mint") a new copy of that item.  It will appear shortly in your Collection.

NOTE:  If the transaction fails, make sure you have enough MATIC in your wallet.  You may also want to check that the correct wallet is connected.