Erg: The Battler
Taking place between the creation of the world and the great flood, Erg the Battler is a barbarian sword and sandal adventure! Making use of this unexplored biblical time period where dinosaurs, demons, and giants run amok, and men live to be 900 years old! Erg must face peril after peril, even running into some Biblical characters, themes, and landmarks along the way, as he transports a desperate family from point A to point B.
4 Issues
Other Series by Moviemanev
Recent Activity
Mar 04 Moviemanev released a new comic: Erg: The Battler #3: The Lull
Feb 28 Moviemanev released a new comic: Erg: The Battler #2: Chapter 2
Feb 28 Moviemanev released a new comic: Erg: The Battler #1: Chapter 1
Latest Issue
Erg: The Battler #4: End of the Road
Published 2023-03-04