Sheena, Queen of the Jungle
This Fiction House series featured the adventures of the fearless jungle warrior Sheena, one of the earliest female heroes with her own title. An orphan who grew up in the jungle, learning how to survive and thrive there, she possesses the ability to communicate with wild animals and is proficient in fighting with knives, spears, bows, and makeshift weapons. Her adventures mostly involve encounters with slave traders, white hunters, native Africans, and wild animals. The series has been revived several times over the decades, and also was made into a TV series in the 50's and again in the 2000's.
2 Issues
Other Series by cryptocomicscouch
Recent Activity
Feb 23 cryptocomicscouch released a new comic: Sheena, Queen of the Jungle #2
Feb 23 cryptocomicscouch released a new comic: Sheena, Queen of the Jungle #1
Latest Issue
Sheena, Queen of the Jungle #2
Published 2024-02-23