Speed Art Microsoft paint!?!

by Matthew Russell - Posted 5 years ago

I know it's not Christmas but I just had to share this. I love to draw, I have since I was a little kid. I would sit around and draw everything from space ships to characters. I even went through the DC Encyclopedia and drew a picture of every single character in a card set one summer. Greatest summer of my life. 

When I started with digital art, I would primarily use Photoshop on my Macbook and open up Astropad on my iPad pro. The problem was it is laggy. Most of you know what I'm talking about. 

Everyone knows that Microsoft Paint SUCKS!!! I don't use it unless I am trying to save an icon as an ico but that is besides the point. This guy took digital art to a whole new level. He is strictly in Microsoft Paint!!! His ability is virtually unmatched. How does he do that!?!