Creator Spotlight Shaun Keenan

by Lindsey Winsemius - Posted 4 years ago

We got the opportunity to sit down with Shaun Keenan and talk comics, publishing, and what things he is passionate about. Don't miss this great spotlight on an amazing indie creator and publisher. Learn more about Shaun and his publishing company, Comics2Movies, on their website.

Who is Shaun Keenan?

Comic Book Creator Shaun Keenan

Shaun Keenan is inspiring minds through moral and historic stories, by using the visual medium of graphic novels. 

Having had trouble reading as a child it wasn’t until Shaun was much older that he realized he was a visual learner. Knowing this, Shaun created a publishing company COMICS2MOVIES and now invests time in using visual mediums to help educate others about moral and social issues. 

Shaun and his wife have an amazing daughter and live in Gisborne a small regional town outside of Melbourne, Victoria Australia close to their family and friends. 

Shaun Keenan (age 38) is a graphic novel writer, creator and publisher having created the successful Xtreme Champion Tournament and Terralympus graphic novel series. Shaun has a third graphic novel series Talos of Sparta scheduled for release in 2020. 

All Shaun’s graphic novels are available from all brick and mortar and online bookstores. Shaun has done over 100 comic conventions in four different countries running and speaking on panels form everything about creating comics, crowdfunding comics and diversity in comics to world building in comics. Through his convention appearances Shaun has built a large international following on social media channels using this as a way to further connect with fans. 

Shaun is an active promoter who proactively promotes each of his graphic novels nationally and internationally.

Shaun on Creating Comics

Comic Books by Shaun Keenan

CC: Do you have any formal training or are you self-taught?

SK: I'm self-taught but have tried to surround myself with some other amazing creators and done masterclasses and other online workshops to further increase my skills.

CC: Describe your style.

SK: All my books have a history element to them. I love history and that seems to show up in my work whether it's a alternate history book like Talos of Sparta, my flagship title XCT or my Sci-Fi series Terralympus. 

CC: What would you say most motivates you to do what you do?

SK: I love entertainment whether that's music, movies, books or comics. To be able to tell my own stories and hopefully entertain others is what motivates my to keep creating. Having an opportunity to create my own worlds and universes is also to good to pass up. 

CC:  Are you inspired by any particular works or creators?

SK:  Jim Lee and X-men are what got me into comics in the late 80's and early 90's, but since then I've loved the art style of Humberto Ramos and seem to work with artists that remind me of this work. 

CC: Do you work with others on your projects? 

I publish my own work through my business COMICS2MOVIES and work with a large amount or artist and writers. We currently have one published anthology which had 6 different artist and writers and have almost finished our second one which has another 5 writers and artists. 

For XCT, my flagship title, I have a great team with Ben Rosenthal on writing, Alex Maylshev on art, Wilson Go on colours and Darren Close on letters. Then my other two series I co-created with Stephen Kay on Terralympus and Brad Van Geest on our new project Talos of Sparta. 

CC:  What creation are you most proud of?

SK:  Haven't created it yet!

CC:  Can you tell me about your current project?

SK:  XCT: Fractured Worlds is currently up on Kickstarter and is the latest graphic novel in our XCT series. 
It's a great jumping on point for new readers taking action from inside the arena to the outside world. It's 64 full colour graphic novel and is a great character driven story with plenty of action to boot. I believe this is the best story in the series so far and I'm really excited about getting it into as many hands as possible. 

Shaun on the Comic Book Industry

Comic Book Example

CC:  Do you have any thoughts about the comic book industry?

SK:  I love the comic industry but I think COVID 19 has really highlighted the need for a change in how we do business and the issue of only one distributor. I have been lucky in that COMICS2MOVIES uses book distribution to get our graphic novels out there and then we mail to other comic stores directly.

I love KIckstarter as that has opened the flood gates for indie creators to get their work out in front of thousands of people. We use it to print out titles after completing the book beforehand. During COVID 19 we took the downturn of distribution and ran a couple of Kickstarter campaigns which turned out to be our best ones yet. 

CC:  Do you have any advice for anyone that is just joining the industry for the first time, or looking to join the industry?

SK:  Just do it. Procrastination is the worst thing for any creator. Am I good enough? Will people like this? Can I sell it? I don't have enough money? Where there is a will there is a way but you have to start to find the answers to any of those self doubt questions. Also if your new surround yourself with other like minded creators. Bouncing ideas and getting advice off people who have been where you are is the fastest way to increase your knowledge at no cost. 

CC:  Is there anything you'd like to see changed in the industry?

SK:  I would like to see more distribution and the recognition of comics and graphic novels as a great way to teach kids as well as tell amazing stories for all ages. There is still some stigma around comics but I do believe this is changing over time. COMICS2MOVIES is lucky enough to have over 100 books in different libraries within Australia and New Zealand. 

Shaun on Comic Publishing

Comic Book Publishing Example

CC:  How did you get started in Comic Book Publishing?

SK:  I started self- publishing in 2015 and have never looked back. I wanted to create my own series and rather than looking for a publisher I did it on my own. It's been a crazy journey but wouldn't change a thing.

CC:  About how many comics have you published?

SK:  I have published 5 single issues, an anthology and 5 graphic novels

CC:  Do you have any advice for Creators looking to publish?

SK:  Understand your costs and understand you will need to do multiple jobs like selling, promotion, marketing, editing not just writing/drawing and creating. It's can also be an expensive endeavor so if your able to put some money aside before you are ready to publish that will help.

CC:  What passions do you have outside of comics?

SK:  I love the movies, spending time with my family and loved ones as well as watching and going to the AFL (which is Australian Rules Football) as well as other sports like the UFC.

Shaun Keenan Publishing

You can check out Shaun's comics in the Marketplace, and make sure to follow him on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram!