M. Scott Russell’s Comics Review

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 years ago


Hello, my Fellow Vigilante Cave Dwellers (Batcave that is). How are all of you?

As many of you saw last Friday, we started a new show on twitch.tv. I am reviewing various books on the CryptoComics Marketplace. We started with Bazil’s comic series Katongo and we had a lot of fun with that.

I got to learn about an entire new style of comics; the African Comic style. I had so much fun learning about the various troupes of that particular regions comics and I got to see first-hand the development and progress of a particular creator. I loved it and we want to keep going.

Why Review the Comic Books?

Well, that’s a pretty simple answer, we want to have fun. There is nothing I love more than reading new comics, well except talking about said comics. We also want to spotlight many of the wondrous and various books and styles that are available to you here at CryptoComics.

What Comics Will Be Reviewed

It will always be a mystery until we start the show. There are times I might review the collective works of a certain creator. I might just review a certain book (either new or old in the Marketplace) or I might review a certain series.

It will all depend on the time restraints, the books that a creator has in our system, and what I’m feeling like at the time. I promise you, it will be a blast. Join in on the chat and share your opinions as well.

What am I Looking For in a Comic Series

Well, I love art, so I will be taking an in-depth look at the style and technique. We will be discussing various stylistic choices that all lend to the overall aesthetic of a comic from brush strokes, layout, coloring, and even lettering.

As far as writing, we will be going into the various stories, the style of storytelling, as well genre and how it fits in the world of comics. Each story is a snapshot into the mind of the creator, and I want to take a deep dive into that mind no matter how twisted it can get. I dare you to follow me in.

What I am NOT Looking For In a Comic

I’m not out to destroy anyone’s ego but I am going to tell the truth. We will be discussing how a book compares to the creator’s own work, not each other. There are far too many different styles that it becomes an “apples to oranges” situation.

I am not going to be looking for realism when the obvious intent is to avoid that. Let’s look at what the creators intended and not compare it to unrelated material.

If a creator is known for one style and then tries something completely different, I want to look at how their history and reputation lends or distracts to that change, not try to “judge” the book based on their original style.

Think of it like this; if Stephen King decided to try a comedy series such as Gary Larson’s Far Side, we HAVE to talk about IT or Misery but we can avoid a comparison by talking about how shocking the change would be to see if it adds anything to the comic.

Now I’m dreaming of a world where Stephen King has a weekly comic strip and how I would love to live in a world where that is a real thing. I DO have the Stephen King popup book on my bookshelf, so that will have to suffice for now. 

Spoilers in the Comics

If I am reviewing a book in our system, I will try to have the creator on the chat with us. Try being the operative word. I will do everything in my power to not spoil a comic book. It might occasionally happen, and I just want to apologize in advance. For that reason, if a creator asks us to not discuss a certain page, or not review a certain book in the series, I won’t in order to avoid spoilers.

What Qualifies this M. Scott Russell guy to Review a Comic?

Ouch, that hurt my pride. Oh, wait, I wrote the question so I guess, I can’t get offended.

Alright. I guess it’s time to list my qualifications. I’ve been studying art for as long as I can remember. I went to the Art Institute of Pittsburgh and have worked as a graphic artist and furniture designer (surprisingly enough). I even taught digital art for a while.

My downfall in this is that I am nowhere near fast enough to be able to publish a monthly book, so I am relegated to the occasional variant cover and writer. Believe me when I say I know how hard it is to create such art and I have an appreciation for those that can and do.

As a writer, I started in High School. By the time I graduated, I had 3 books published. I also worked as a reporter for the local newspaper since my Sophomore year in High School. I had several different writing contracts from technical writing with instruction manuals, as a ghost writer for a million different blogs (on subjects from fashion to legal advice), and contracts with various companies to write comics.

My true passion is writing comics. I don’t have a particular favorite style or genre so that won’t influence my option of various books. I love them all. I, myself have written psychological horror, comedies, children’s as well as Action/Adventure. I might have to try a satire next just to see if I can.

I like to take my experience in studying the various typical troupes in comics and see how they apply to the comics in the Marketplace, or even subvert said troupes.

Our Intention

It is not our intention in anyway shape or form to make people cry. It’s just not in our nature, but I will be giving an honest critique. I like to think that I’m a likable guy (though my kids may disagree). Some comics, I may not like. I will state my opinion, plainly. I will however explain and defend my personal opinion.

I will NOT attack anyone, or their character! I am reviewing comics, not personality!

I do possess the ability to look beyond my own politics or religious views. That being said, if you have a comic that promotes differing views than my own, I will not downgrade or “come down” on these comics. I will enjoy them for what they are and what they intend.

Opinions may vary, so please join in on the discussion by chiming in on the chat and voicing yours. We will be able to discuss it live on air. I promise, open discussion will always be encouraged.

Some of the books in the CryptoComics Marketplace may seem amateurish or inexperienced in the writing or art styles. This is because, due to the all-inclusive nature of our system, we allow AND ENCOURAGE new or up-and-comers to get their foot in the door.

These people don’t have 20 some odd years in the comic industry or a degree in either art or literature. They aren’t getting paid a professional wage. These creators are doing it for the love of comics and for the love of the industry. I will encourage them to do what they do best, create and see others rally around them.

My own children are putting books in the system, and they are 7, 7 and 14 (yep, the 7-year-olds are twins). I would be rather upset if someone told them that their work was trash, so I won’t do that to others. I encourage anyone who wants to create to join us and we can all discuss this in a good environment.

I want to offer these creators constructive criticism. I want to offer my experience and encourage them to have fun and love the industry as much as I do.

That being said, some of the creators found in the CryptoComics Marketplace ARE professionals with the 20 some odd years of experience, a degree, and pension. These creators should hold themselves to a higher standard. In order to make proper recommendations and truly honest reviews, we will hold them accountable for these higher standards. Yet, I will never criticise a creator for creating simply for the love of the industry. 

Now, sometimes, a spade is just a spade. I will have to call it like I see it. If I see an established artist is trying to draw a realistic looking comic and one character looks like the infamous Rob Liefield's Captain America physique (seen below), I’m going to have to call them out on that.

On the other hand, if an established writer that is known for being a tremendous storyteller, drops a bomb and writes a boring story, you guessed it, I will call them out too. I’m not trying to be rude in any way, I’m trying to let the audience know what to expect.

When and Where are these Comic Reviews

I will be doing these reviews every Thursday at 6:00 PM MST. You can tune in to the CryptoComics channels on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook or Mixer (as long as Mixer is around). Click the link, like, and set your notifications to let you know when we are live. Get in on the chat and let’s have some fun. 

If you want to have your comic, series, or run reviewed by me, live, then hit me up. Message either myself, Jared, Joe, Andrew Frey, or any other member of the CryptoComics team. Or you can ask us through our contact form.

I’ll see you there.