Don't Panic Read Comics

by Jared Brague - Posted 5 years ago

By now you have heard of, or been impacted by, Covid-19.

In these unprecedented times, many businesses and individuals are wondering: What do we do now? How can we carry on when the world seems to be pausing or panicking all around us?

At CryptoComics, we are staying busy (from our home offices) building more features into the website and completing the Smart Contract to get ready for live transactions on the Marketplace.

Creators and Publishers, I encourage you to take this time if you’re home like many of our employees to add any books to our platform, and invite your fans to read, review, and interact in our community.

Fans, invite your friends and read, read, read the amazing comic books our indie creators are allowing us to make available FOR FREE. Leave reviews, Shout Out to Creators and fellow fans, and see what new features we’re making available almost daily as we work diligently towards Open Launch.

Comic Books Stores, encourage your customers and creators to join the marketplace while they are unable to visit your physical store. Even though transactions aren’t live yet, your referrals are being tracked to start earning you ComicBucks once transactions do go live.

That goes for EVERYONE. Your invites are being tracked, and once transactions are live later this year, you’ll earn ComicBucks from everyone you’ve invited to join.

Thank you all for being exclusive early members of this Marketplace that is going to revolutionize the industry.

Hang in there. We’re all in this together. We might as well read free comic books from awesome creators while trying to homeschool our children and worrying about our parents.

Jared Brague, CryptoComics CEO

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us about anything on your mind.

Still need an invite? You can request an invite here.