Showcasing some amazing comics on the CryptoComics Marketplace

by Matthew Russell - Posted 4 years ago


Welcome, my CryptoComic Compatriots! I wanted to help you out by giving you my top 15 picks to introduce you to.

I’ve been asked so many times, “What kind of Comics do you have on your Marketplace?” Well, there are so many that I can’t narrow it down to just one description. When you get a quiet moment and you can finally sit down to read, here are some of my personal picks. Read these for free-for now. Get in there and read. The creators are asking that you please leave a review of the comic. That's a pretty good deal. You get amazing comics for the simple price of a review. 

When I am working on a comic for the video series Creating Comics with M. Scott Russell, these are just some of the comics that I turn to for inspiration. These are the ones that set the bar that I feel I have to live up to in my own creations. (Only 1 is a shameless plug.) Let’s get into it, shall we?


Gerimi (pronounced Jeremy) is such an amazing creator! His book “Eye of the Gods” is one of those that sticks with you forever. Today, I wanted to talk to you about Morningstar. This is the story of Lucifer Morningstar (better known as the biblical Devil) and his fall from grace as told through a western lens. It is one of those stories that shock you every step of the way.

DimensionLock Deathly Stories

This is one of those surprise treasures that hit you just right. I logged on to the Marketplace and saw it there. I hadn’t heard of any new creators so I was surprised to see this one. When I opened it up it was like I was almost transported to this manga world of beauty and suspense. I was most impressed with the storyline about Maytridalis and her journey with her friends, but I can’t give anything away. If you are even remotely a fan of Manga, this story will make you a believer!

Legend of Isis

Not the Isis that you hear on the news but Isis from the Egyptian gods of old. This story is so masterfully created by Titlewave Comics is so amazing. It sets the bar pretty high for the Action/Adventure genera! Read and be in awe of everything from the art to the amazing pacing of the story. Frey always makes a joke but it actually seems fitting here “We can sell you the whole seat, but you’ll only need the edge!”

The MusicMaker

This is the perfect AEon Flux for the modern age. It was one of the first comics on our system to actually have a soundtrack. In fact when they uploaded the comic, we had to hit the drawing board in order to perfect the soundtrack ability which led to so many more innovations on our Marketplace. The coloring, the art, the story, the easter eggs hidden within. Must read!

Xolic Unleashed — Gorgothic Handbook

We love the guys over at TCT Comics and Xolic Unleashed is a crown jewel of theirs. I love this. To understand this you get the opportunity to read the entire series and then dig into this book. Unlike other comics, this one is an actual novel that follows and adds to the series in ways that I haven’t seen from a comic series before. Read it and revel in the love of the industry that they share.

Art of Chad Hardin

Chad is so legendary in the comic world. He’s worked with the best like Stan Lee, Amanda Conner, Jimmy Palmiotti, Jemma Young, and Mark Waide. Now you get to see inside this legend’s sketchbook. Don’t miss an opportunity to really dig in as he explains every brushstroke. We should have titled this “Inside The Mind Of A Genius!”


The legendary Anthony Woolf does it again with this series that feels like the greatest game of D&D you could ever play. The mysticism and humor are so great and exciting. It is so well-drawn. You also have to check out his other comic Expectation VS Reality. He is one of my favorite creators I’ve seen in quite some time.


I loved these movies as a kid. They were dark and mysterious, and magical, and scary. This is a followup to the acclaimed movie series that does not disappoint. Yes, a sequel that lives up to the original series.

Roundhouse Hooligans

This one is so different from everything else I’ve read recently. This sexy and rough story is so beautifully drawn and written so well. The angles add to the sense of unease and fear. I can’t recommend this enough. With so many surreal moments, this is a masterpiece.

Top 2

Creator Cardell Cole is amazing! He is someone I follow on the system as well as outside. He is one that I have sponsored on Patreon. I and my daughter Cadence are even going to be a character in an upcoming issue. I can’t wait. Until then, you have to check out this phenomenal comic! It has everything you could ever want. It's so cool. Tons of action and political intrigue set in a unique world. Pick it up, and I guarantee, you won’t put it down.


I am very proud to see this book of poetry here on the CryptoComics Marketplace for many reasons. 1- I love to read poetry. I began my writing career by getting several poetry books published back in ‘99. 2- It is written by my daughter. She has joined us at a few conventions and wanted to contribute something different to the marketplace. As of the time of this writing, it is the only book of poetry in the Marketplace. I love it, and I love her. Read it, or face my wrath.

How to Draw ...anything

If you’re like me, you are always trying to better your artwork. I was interviewing a creator recently that graduated from college years ago, but never stopped taking art classes. Well, now Antarctic Press brings the class to you with a series of How to Draw everything from Manga to Pirates. They even have a How Not To Draw. I love it and have been working my way through the series in order to better myself and I love the results. You will too.

Children of Eldair

Ohn man, are you in for a treat. This beautiful tale from master creator Jemma Young is astonishing. It is so well written and the art...comic version of Monet. Her comics are remarkable. Read, read, read!!! Trust me on this.

A Hero’s Story

Alright, it's shameless plug time. Yes, I wrote this. It was my first attempt at a children’s comic. It was fun to write, and the artist, Joey Kopelin, is absolutely sensational. I always wanted to write a follow up to this. Any artist that wants to help, hit me up. Don’t worry, its a quick read.

Out of Order

I can’t make a list of top 15 comics of anything without adding Out of Order to that list. I actually teared up reading this. Based on the true story of the writer/artist team of Mike Ahn, and Soel Young, this inspirational tale is remarkable.

Bonus - Not Safe for Work - Chubby NO!!

I’m not adding the cover to this, and you can guess why. With a name like “Chubby”, it can mean only one thing. This is an extremely funny story that you have to read if you have a sense of humor like mine. It’s a great read that will leave your sides in stitches.

More Comics to Read on the Marketplace

Looking back to the question that I was asked at the beginning, I can finally answer that now. What kind of comics do we have on our Marketplace, well, great ones. We don’t edit or change any comic. We accept all, so those that trust us enough with their literary babies are amazing. It doesn’t matter what level of education or experience the creator is, join our community of creative connotation, and convert to a CryptoComics Compatriot. (Yes that was a lot of C’s but totally worth it.) We want to see you here and let the Indy sector thrive. Let your comic become the next masterpiece that we rave about.