How can your store earn money?

What are CryptoComics Credits?

Credits are what you earn anytime a Creator or Fan you’ve invited to the Marketplace buys or sells comic books.

What can you do with Credits?

As a comic book store, you can use the Credits to buy any comic books in the Marketplace.

How can you earn money?

After you've purchased comic books with the Credits, you can resell them to your customers online, or to any users in the Marketplace. You can then cash out the money from those sales.

Here's how to get started:

Step 1:  Join the Marketplace.

Step 2:  Set up your digital storefront in the Marketplace by filling out your profile.

Step 3:  Share your store page with your customers.

Step 4:  Earn Credits every time your customers buy or sell in the Marketplace.

Step 5:  Use Credits to buy comic books, graphic novels, and art. Resell those comic books for cash.

Your customers are already buying digital comic books. Isn’t it time your business started earning money from these digital comic book sales?

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